Tuesday, November 24, 2015

'Tis The Season to Be Thankful

You know, I am absolutely guilty of forgetting the spirit of this coming holiday. I mean, the intended spirit is contained within the name itself. However, as I was walking into my building for work, I was reminded of something.

As a side-reading adventure, here's how my train of thought went (be warned, I have a roundabout way of thinking, so feel free to skip to the next paragraph). I've edited it to be more readable, since most of my thoughts aren't so succinct:

"Wow, it's almost the end of the month.
"Heck, it's almost the end of the year.
"That means I'm about 30 and a half.
"I remember when a friend of mine would celebrate her half-birthday, which happens to be a day before my actual birthday. (She would get half of a birthday card, by the way)
"I remember when I almost had an awful birthday when I turned 24.
Okay, you are now caught up on my train of thought.

I did almost have an awful birthday, but fortunately for me, A and I were engaged by this point. My roommate at the time (who is a really awesome guy, and this is in no way intended to slight him in the least) happened to have his birthday the day before mine. It fell on a Friday, so he decided to have a party the following Saturday, my birthday. However, I never told him that this was the case, so he can't be faulted for not knowing.

People started to come over, well-wishes were given to my roommate, and the party started. By this point, I had resigned myself to be as humble, helpful, and host...ful(?) as possible. People suffer far greater things than forgotten birthdays, and I was already wonderfully blessed to have Jesus, an amazing church family, and a sweet then-fiance (who was there celebrating my birthday). She had decided to make me this Lemon-glazed Lemon Cake from scratch, and while it was cooling, many of the people who had come to see my roommate were sitting around the living room watching as he opened the presents they had gotten him. I was doing my best to be (or at least look) cheerful, but I must have been doing a poor job, because at some point, A turned to me, motioned to my friends in the kitchen, and said, "You know, I invited your friends. They are here for you." Our church is wonderful, and so it's not uncommon to share the same friends (in fact, it would be strange if you didn't share at least some). I had, therefore, assumed they were invited to come see my roommate.

In that instant, I realized that I have amazing friends and an even more amazing (now-) wife. When we all sang happy birthday, A and the others were singing to me, too. Only a love that originates with Jesus can turn something sad into something so joyful.

So, to all my friends who came on my account, I am very thankful for you.

And to my darling wife, who fills my life every day with joy, I am especially thankful for you!


  1. That was so sweet. I love the way you two love and support each other. I am especially thankful to have such a generous and wonderful daughter-in-law.

  2. You are both blessed to have each other! And I like your writing styles upon styles.
