Thursday, November 6, 2014

A Little Late for Halloween, Don't You Think?


I meant to post this on Monday, but then I procrastinated getting the photos from Matt, then I was sick with this fiery sore throat/head cold/malaise, so that didn't happen.  

However, I'm back now in the land of the living (or at least I'm telling myself that) and in the interest of giving a few laughs, behold:

Before you ask, no, these fabulous head accessories were not for Halloween costumes.  We happened to be in Walmart looking for some puzzles to do on date night and came across these...

Bike helmets.  

Actually, Matt's headdress was just hanging up in the bike helmet area, but it was actually quite normal compared to some others we saw.

I think I would pass out from laughter if I saw someone wearing such riding down the street.  How hilarious is that?  

With love and laughter,


1 comment:

  1. I was a little sad that mine WASN'T a helmet. I'd totally rock a furry purple helmet with a giant eye.
