Friday, January 2, 2015

The Holidays: Whirlwind Edition

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

We made it safely home yesterday from our travels up north and out west.  Looking back, it doesn't seem possible that we visited everyone in just one week, but we did!

Here are a few highlights:

On Christmas Eve, Matt was a wise man.  Note: I did not say "wise guy."

He was just as funny as he looks.  I laughed out loud several times out of shear delight.

Then, on Christmas Day, we met my mom at my sister's house in central Illinois where we had our first holiday meal and opened presents.  I think I ate three servings of prime rib.

And no, momma G is not really sleeping off her meal.  She was purposely posing for the camera.  Her dogs on the other hand, were.

After a few days, we flew out west and visited the Loen side in Phoenix.  It was a blast seeing everyone!  (The 60-70 degree days and sunshine were also a big plus)

I had more pictures of the cousins, but this is the only one that did not feature a blur-motion child.

I think this was the only moment that Penny was actually still.

We also got to celebrate Matt's cousin John's birthday!  (Say that 5 times fast...)

On our last day in Arizona, we went sight-seeing and had dinner at The Resort (aka the home of the grandparents).

And now we are home.  I spent yesterday watching season 6 of Big Bang Theory in my pajamas, however I managed to get Matt to run errands with me today.

We loved seeing everyone.  It was my favorite part of the holidays!

With love and laughter,

1 comment:

  1. It was Season 7 of Big Bang! Ashley got it for me for Christmas.
