Saturday, May 23, 2015


When someone was having a hard day, my dad would say that  "nothing was going right from the get-go."  That was me one day this past week.

Tired from our marathon trip up north, Dash woke us both up before 6 a.m. with his classing roo-ing.  I awoke to piles of dishes everywhere in the kitchen and even bigger piles of laundry laying on the floor downstairs.

Groggy from sleep and grumpy because of who-knows-why, I wanted coffee, except I couldn't make that darn machine run.  After 30 minutes had gone by - still no coffee.

By then, I was tired, grumpy and caffeine deficient.  Matt came, did exactly what I did in the same exact order and finally coffee nectar finally poured forth, but I remembered then that I was supposed to go to the store to get creamer and didn't.

Matt left for work and Dash was inconsolable, whining and crying for the next 30 minutes straight until I had to dash off to work in a hurry.


Later that day, I come home from work and see the kitchen all clean, with the dishes done.  Matt drives up, gets out of the car, 1/2 and 1/2 in hand and a grin on his face.

Apparently, my white knight drives a white ford and wields creamer to keep the grumpy troll in me at bay!

Oh, my Dear, you make my grumpy days brighter!

With love and laughter,

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