Saturday, July 11, 2015

Happy 30th to Matt!

Today is my wonderful Matt's 30th birthday. Oh, my!

I can't really believe that my dearest, peaceful-as-a-placid-lake husband has turned 30! Although, I assure you that he doesn't look it.

Aside from a minuscule number of white hairs (I claim full responsibility), he still has the same boyish look he had when I met him at 18.  Yes, 18.  And I was 17.  Wow, we were young'uns.

So, to you, my dear Hubs, a tribute:

To you who dances to the beat of your own kazoo,

Who fills my life with heartache AND joy,

Regaler of ridiculously corny jokes,

The curious cat about all things techy and obscure,

My partner in crime (and in never-ending floor installation projects),

Happy thirtieth birthday!  May you live to see many more birthdays and feel loved through them all.

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