Monday, October 6, 2014

Congratulations, Grandpa!

From birth, I just had my mother's parents as grandparents.  My Grandma D (coming out "Grammaw," since it was pronounced with a southern twang) was an excellent grandmother who never forgot to send a card for every holiday, even the ones that Hallmark made up, like 'granddaughter's make-believe friend's birthday'...Day.

I really enjoyed those few years where my family lived close enough to visit every few weeks.  Grandma D loved playing gin rummy and cooking delicious southern food with all the fixin's, and by golly, you better wash up and take your hat off before you sat down to eat it!  She passed away several years ago and I still miss her sense of humor.

My grandfather was not really a man you could get close to, he loved all sorts of animals, but didn't really care for people very much.  

Fast forward to when Matt and I got married.  I get an awesome, loving, creative husband, and as the icing on the cake, I get an amazing family via a contractual agreement who treat me like I belong to their clan.

I still remember meeting Grandma and Grandpa Loen and breaking their coffee decanter, getting to celebrate their sixtieth wedding anniversary, and helping them pack up and move to Arizona.

After leaving each get-together, I always turned to Matt to say "Your grandfather is like those fairy tale grandfathers from a storybook!"  I say this because Grandpa Orie is the kindest, gentlest giant of a man that I have ever met.  Every time I get to see him, he greets me with that signature hug that envelopes you and a 100 megawatt grin that stretches from ear to ear.  I really treasure both him and Grandma Loen, the voice of sense and reason.

Today I read some great news - that Grandpa Orie is cancer free!  And I am so very glad.  It will make seeing the grandparents over the holidays that much sweeter.

Congratulations, Grandpa!

With love and laughter,


  1. Always great news! I hope your holiday time in AZ will overlap with Mark's so we can see you both!

  2. What wonderful things to say about a wonderful family. Especially your sweet Grandfather. Mom B.
